Friday 24th January
Lunar New Year and Fire Friday
Next week on Wednesday 29th January the children will be performing a dragon dance for Lunar New Year, which all families are invited to join. This will be at 11.30am for the morning session children and 3.20pm for the all day and afternoon session children.
Due to some tree works that will be taking place in the Nursery garden next week we are unfortunately postponing the Fire Friday that was due next week. This will be rescheduled to Friday 7th February with the usual timings, which can be found on the parents board.
Olive Dining Taster Event
The caterers that provide the school lunches for the Nursery School (Olive Dining) will be holding a taster event at Moss Hall Schools Federation for parents. This is will be held on Thursday 6th February at 9.15am-11.00am in the dining hall at the Federation. This will be an opportunity for parents and carers to try the foods that your child has for lunch times and ask any questions to Olive Dining.
If you would like to join this event please sign up on the sheet that is on the parents board in the hallway.
Class representatives
At the end of last term a meeting was held with the class reps and the Headteacher. The minutes for this were sent out as part of the email informing parents about the Friday message
We also need a class rep for Green class currently. Please come see Subpreet if you are interested in this role or have any questions you would like to ask about it.