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School Logo

Moss Hall

Nursery School


Welcome to Moss Hall Nursery School



Moss Hall Nursery School is a long established nursery school in the heart of the West Finchley community. Generations of local families have attended our school. Children are at the heart of all we do and we support them in becoming confident, independent and capable learners. 


At Moss Hall Nursery School children:


Are curious


Ask questions


Make links


Like to try new things


Become highly involved in their play


Are intrinsically motivated




Persist when things are tricky


Are imaginative

We are a Maintained Nursery School which means:

  • We are led by a head teacher and employ qualified teachers to lead the curriculum, just like schools in other phases

  • We give priority in our admissions to vulnerable children and have the skills and expertise to support them successfully.

  • Like primary and secondary schools, our special needs and disabilities co-ordinator (SENDCo) must be a teacher.

  • We support a high number of children with SEND and share our expertise in early identification and intervention with other settings.

  • Our early years practitioners are highly qualified and experienced professionals

  • We share our expertise with other early education and childcare providers, so that all children in the local community benefit.

  • We are inspected by Ofsted in exactly the same way as primary and secondary schools (Other nursery providers are not)
