Useful SEND links
Introduction to SEND at Moss Hall Nursery School
At Moss Hall Nursery School we actively champion learners with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities. We work closely with families to ensure the child is at the centre of all decisions made to support their learning journey. Our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENDCo) Max works closely with Key Workers to identify any specific needs early, then meets with parents / carers alongside Key Workers to discuss any areas of need identified through observations of the child in their familiar environment and formulate a plan for support. We know the Early Years Foundation Stage is a pivotal part of a child's development, and have seen through rigorous study how early intervention is most effective at closing any gaps in knowledge and skills.
SEN practice according to Ofsted:
Pupils with SEN are also mentioned in the grade descriptors for the effectiveness of Early Years provision (Para 461)
- Outstanding
- The impact of the curriculum on what children know, can remember and do is strong. Children demonstrate this through being deeply engaged and sustaining high levels of concentration. Children, including those from disadvantaged backgrounds, do well. Children with SEND achieve the best possible outcomes.