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Moss Hall

Nursery School

Headteacher's Blog 2023-2024

Week ending Friday 3rd May

This week the children were making eco-friendly medals for Sports Day. They used natural materials of circular log pieces and leaves/flowers to create their medals. We also had some Year 2  children from Moss Hall Infants visit the Nursery; they will be coming in weekly to read with our children in our garden.

Week ending 26.4.24



This week the new children have been continuing to settle in the Nursery; they have been developing their relationships with the  new adults and children in the Nursery and developing their confidence to explore all areas of the environment.


The children also have been exploring different interests  such as pirate ship role play with some children decided to build a pirate ship using the large blocks in the outdoor area. They had many ideas to develop their ship as they built including adding a roof to ‘stop the rain’. The children have also been developing their interest in planting and gardening and many thanks to the parents who came in last week to support this.   The children also had Fire Friday this week; during which they had a camp-fire and the new children learnt about the fire safety rules and experienced their first fire

Week ending 9th February


This week the  children have been learning about Lunar New Year and have engaged in a range of experiences related to this such as performing the dragon dance , engaging in collaborative work making a dragon and also engaging in Chinese calligraphy.


The children have also been very creative in the art studio this week, designing and constructing rockets in the junk-modelling area and also have been engaging in challenging climbing outside, even constructing a ladder to help them climb the tree outside!




Week ending 2nd February 2024


This week the children have been engaged in a wide range of play and learning experiences, such as looking for signs of Spring in the nursery garden, investigating animal habitats in the Nursery garden and reading and acting out traditional tales such as 'The Three Little Pigs', 'The Gingerbread Man' and 'Jack and the Beanstalk'.



Weeks ending 15th and 22nd January


The children have been involved in a wide range of rich experiences in the last 2 weeks including cooking on the camp-fire, making fairy fires in sea shells, turning over the soil in the planting area, exploring ice and using the woodwork tools to make some bird boxes for the local birds in the Nursery garden 


Please have a look at the photos to see more of the children's  wonderful play and learning.

Week ending Friday 22nd December



This week we had a group of children visit the Nursery from Finchley Reform Synagogue (FRS) Kindergarten to take part in our Christmas learning. Our children did some shared Christmas singing with the children who were visiting and also  performed a rehearsal of  the Nativity. We also had our Christmas celebration during which children shared all the Christmas songs they have been learning. Some of the children also acted out the Nativity story. We had a very special visitor come to see the children and families at the celebration … Santa Claus! He bought a very special present for the children of some juicy oranges. Many thanks to all the families who joined us for our Christmas celebration this year.


The children who stay all day also had their Christmas lunches this week during which their key people joined them  and the children also  pulled some crackers with their friends. The children also had their Winter Wonderland parties during which children did some dancing, party games and then relaxed with a festive film. All the children at the Nursery also received a Christmas present from all the staff at  the Nursery  of a book and we hope you  enjoy reading them with your child over the Winter break and beyond.

Week ending Friday 15th December 


This week the children have had a busy week learning about different cultural celebrations. We held our Hannukah celebration during which children acted out the story of The Maccabees, the children who celebrate Hannuakah at home also showed everyone the lighting of the menorah and all the children joined in with some singing and dancing. Thankyou to all the parents who supported this event.


The children have also been continuing their learning about Christmas and the children have been very interested in acting out  the story  of the Nativity with their friends. The children have also been making decorations for the Christmas tree out of recycled materials and have also been writing letters to Santa Claus during the week as well. The children were also developing their fine motor and mathematical skills during the wrapping of presents to put under the Christmas tree. The children also did some baking this week making some gingerbread people and developing their mathematical skills during this experience 

Week ending Friday 8th December


What a festive week the children have been having this week! In Blue class some of the children went to the Arts Depot theatre to see the production of ‘Dear Santa’. Many thanks to the parents and carers who helped this trip to take place. The children were then very motivated when they got back to make some decorations and went exploring in the forest for natural materials they could use to make Christmas decorations for the Nursery. They then wove wreaths using branches and holly leaves collaboratively with their friends.  The children in Green class have also been busy making their own Christmas tree using junk modelling. The children have also shown an interest in exploring the changing of the seasons into Winter; they have been observing the ice formation in parts of the playground and then developing their physical skills by using different tools and their hands to find ways to remove the ice. The children have also been learning about Hannukah this week and we had parents join us to share some books about Hannukah and the children also  made their own menorah using collage materials. 

Week ending Friday 1st December



This week the children have been busy learning about the importance of recycling. Children from both Blue and Green class  went out on  litter picking trips around the Nursery and onto the local streets. They learnt about the danger that litter  poses  to local wildlife and why it is so important that litter goes in the bin. The children when they got back to the Nursery also learnt about which waste is recyclable and sorted the waste into the Nursery bins of recyclable, general waste and green waste. Many thanks to all the parent/carers who supported the litter-picking trips this week.


The children have also been learning about  how we can recycle objects through  our junk -modelling and were very creative making necklaces and buses with the junk modelling.The children also learnt about how to re-cycle old paper by turning it into a pulp using a whisk and water and then using the pulp to make new paper. The children also have been learning about how we can re-use food waste and  made compost bottles. They learn about the concept of decomposition and how the food waste will eventually turn to nutrient rich compost that can be used to help plants grow.The children in Green class also have been revisiting  the book ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’ and also engaging in lots of messy play which is very  important for the development of young children’s physical skills.

Week ending Friday 24th November


How wonderful to see so many families at the Family Camp Fire this week; we are looking forward to holding more as the year goes on.


The children have also been exploring lots of different ideas and interests this week. In Blue class some  of the children developed an interest in shopping and then helped to build a shop in the home corner.They role-played as shop-keepers and customers and were busy  developing literacy and numeracy skills through their play by weighing real food and writing their own shopping lists. The children have also been busy learning about road safety for Road Safety Week; they made their own roads in the playground and role played as pedestrians, vehicles and crossing guards learning about how to cross the road safely. The children have also really enjoyed revisiting  the story ‘Knock, Knock’ and were by the end of the week inventing their own characters to make their own version of the story. 


In Green class the children have been revisiting the story of ‘Dear Zoo’ and acting out the story with their friends. They also joined in with the experience of a camp-fire and did wonderful listening and concentrating during this new experience. The chiidren after this experience in their play pretended to make their own fire with sticks and cups of 'hot chocolate' and used new vocabulary they had learnt such as 'kindling'. The children also listened to a story in the language of the week of Mandarin that one of the grandma’s came in  to kindly read to the children.



Week ending 17th November


It was great to see so many families join the Nursery Diwali celebration where the children were very proud to share their acting out of the story of Rama and Sita and also their singing of Diwali songs.  A great thanks to the staff and parents who led the dhanda (stick)  dance which the children were very enthusiastic to join in with also.


Some of the children in Blue class also had a great adventure this week going on an Autumn nature walk at the Dollis Valley Greenwalk. Children going on trips into the local community is an important part of their time with us at the Nursery  as it develops their sense of belonging to the local community and also consolidates learning that has been happening at the Nursery. The children in Green class have also been revisiting the story ‘Dear Zoo’ this week and are now joining in with the words of the story and even made their own ‘Dear Zoo’ props.

Week ending 10th November 


This week the children  have been retelling the story of Rama and Sita, learning Diwali songs, making Rangoli patterns, crossbows and exploring splattering paint to make firework patterns. Many of the children also  made links between Bonfire Night and their fireworks paintings which shows their developing critical thinking skills. The 2 year olds have also been very busy especially with their play around the story of the ‘Owl Babies’,  acting out the story and making bird nests using natural materials and clay.

 Our families also  read stories to the children, made diya lamps from clay, made Indian sweets, did saree draping and some collage artwork with the children. 





Week ending 3rd November 2023


This week the children have been on many adventures especially related to their interest in Halloween. The children in green class explored cutting into and painting pumpkins. The children in Blue class were very busy making their own potions and spells during the week. They also thought very creatively in making  smaller spider web inside and then a massive spider web in the forest using string! Next week the children will be learning about Diwali; if any family members want to share any Diwali activities with the children please speak to your child's key person. Have a lovely weekend and hopefully see lots of you at the Moss Hall Fireworks Night on Sunday! 

Week ending Friday 13th October 


This week the children have been very busy on lots of different adventures! Some of the children took part in a camp-fire and learnt about what is needed to make a fire. They also had many adventures together exploring the rainy weather and the sensations of splashing in a muddy puddle! Some of the children also decided to make a den to shelter from the rainy weather and worked collaboratively to make a den which they took cover under.  The children have also been engaging in learning around Black History Month; especially around music and dance. They have been exploring moving their bodies and dancing to music from Africa and the Caribbean, as well as drumming with African drums. The children have also been very interested in learning about Autumn and have been collecting conkers and conker shells from under our Horse Chesnut tree and finding different Autumn leaves. Please do have a look at the Autumn display in the Blue stairs landing to see more of the children’s learning around Autumn. Have a lovely weekend and we are looking forward to welcoming our families to the Family Gardening morning this weekend to help maintain our lovely outdoor space.

Week ending Friday 6th October


This week the children have been engaging in lots of learning around Harvest Festival as celebrated by different cultures and religions. Some of the children went on a trip to the local Kindergarten to join in the Sukkot celebrations. Sukkot is the Jewish Festival of Harvest. The children joined in to help make The Sukkah which is a structure which  is decorated in leaves and food to show the appreciation for having a safe place to live, with food to eat, shared by people who love us. The children also learnt about the  Lulav is made out of willow, myrtle, citron and palm leaves. It is shaken to represent the wind and rain and are shaken to bless the sukkah. The children also learnt about the  Mooncake Festival which is celebrated in East Asian and South East Asian communities to mark the end of the Harvest period. We had parents come in and share with the children the customs and traditions they take part in at home during Mooncake Festival. Our 2 year olds have also been developing their confidence and independence cutting snack with plastic knives at snack time! Thank you to all the family members who came in this week to share with the children about their Mooncake Festival celebrations or accompany children on the trip to learn about Sukkot.


Week ending Friday 29th September


This week we continued to welcome new children into the Nursery who have been building relationships with their new key adults and children and building their confidence to explore the Nursery environment. 


This week was also Cycle to School week and big well done to all the children who either scooted or rode a bike to school this week! This is a wonderful way to support young children's physical as well as their emotional development. It is also helping to look after our planet by reducing use of cars! 


Next week will mark the start of Black History Month and there will be learning experiences linked to this throughout the month of October. Next week will also mark the start of  Harvest celebration, there will  be a trip for some of the children to visit the local Synagogue Kindergarten to join in with a Sukkot celebration  (Jewish celebration of Harvest) and children will also be learning about the Mooncake Festival (which marks the end of Harvest time in many East and Southeast Asian cultures). 


Have a lovely weekend ! 

Week ending Friday 22nd September


This week we continued to welcome new children into Blue and Green class. The new children have been building relationships with new adults and children, developing their understanding of the routines in the Nursery and developing their explorations of their new environment.


Some of the children also went on a trip to the local allotments and dug up the vegetables that had been growing there. They dug up carrots, potatoes, onions and courgettes! This trip helped to deepen children's engagement with the natural world and also develop their understanding of our local community. Back at the Nursery the children also helped to peel the vegetables and make  a delicious soup!


This week the children also learnt about Rosh H'ashanah (Jewish New Year) with a parent explaining how their family celebrate at home and the children got to try the dish of apples and honey, which symbolises a sweet year ahead!


Next week will be Ride to School week and the children will be learning about how to use scooters and bikes safely and how riding to school is a great way to exercise.


Have a lovely weekend and see you on Monday!

Week ending 15th September 2023


This week we started to welcome new children and their families to Moss Hall Nursery School and wish a warm welcome to them all as they start with us.


The children who started this week have been starting to build positive relationships with key adults and children in the Nursery, explore the Nursery environment including the wonderful outdoor space and build  their understanding of the routines in  the Nursery.


The children have also been involved in a wide range of learning experiences including litter picking in the garden, exploring conkers in the garden, caring for mini beasts and also making ice cream with a parent.  If any parents/carers are interested in sharing any learning experiences and activities with the children please speak to Subpreet or your child’s key person as we are keen to have families share their home experiences in the Nursery with the children. 


Next week we will continue to welcome new children to the Nursery and some of our returners from last year will also go on a trip to the local allotments.


Have a great weekend and see you on Monday.

Week ending 8th September 2023


A warm welcome back to our children and families who have  returned  to the Nursery this year. This week the children have been very  happy to see their friends and familiar adults again after the Summer break. They have been busy exploring and playing, especially in our wonderful outdoor space. Some of the learning experiences have involved children  observing acorns which   had fallen on the forest floor and started to sprout. The children were then involved in replanting the seedling and discussed how the seedling will eventually grow into an oak tree. If any parents/carers are interested in taking home one of the replanted acorn seeds please speak to Seniz or Anastasia.


It has also  been wonderful to see some of the children transition to Blue class this week and join in with the  new routines, explore the wider Nursery environment and establish relationships with new children and adults.


Next week new children will be joining the Nursery  and settling in both Blue and Green class and we are looking forward to welcoming them into the Moss Hall Nursery School community.


Have a wonderful weekend and see you on Monday.

